Tuesday, August 19

It's The 3

Lamp Post can pose you know.
Although I slant my phone camera and took this pic, the tree still looks straight
Decorations by a humble tree
My house is over there!

I think I'll stick with this blog only, and not the other blog. I'm not that 'hardworking' type to update 2 blogs, or 3 regularly. I still have games to play, modules to study and graves to sell.

After days of slack hardwork, I finally completed studying. Completed here means so-so. It's just that I don't want to stress myself up. Study a little bit and just tawakkal. Maybe, it works for me, hopefully.

Those pictures up there was taken when I was on my home. The third picture, lamp post, was taken whe I was on my way to Darussalam mosque. No doubt, trees are awesome. Although they just stand there, they play an important role in our life. So many functions a tree can do. Oxygen, decorations, trap dust, these are some strong functions a tree can do.

Very important indeed.

Thanks for reading


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