Sunday, April 26

A car,
Yes a car.
I wanted it, no,
not that real car.
Maybe sumting
for me to

Is it worth it.

Saturday, April 25

Together we can achieve more
that's what we usually hear.

Tend to work.
Tend to be serious.
Tend to achieve the goal.
Nevertheless,unnoticable; all it takes,
is just someone to bring it all 

Friday, April 24

Maybe I got the feeling back,

Or just that I wanted to;
Or them kept talking about it.
Or for some reason I accidentally did it,
Or blog has its expiry date;
Or I've got nothing else to do.
Or frens or spammers chat on my chatbox;
Or my phone memory is full.
Or whatever it is, it has been revived.

For how long,
I can't predict.
it's gonna be long.

Got msn? Fill me in!
